Homeowners have the opportunity to earn a state income tax credit equal to 20 percent of qualified rehabilitation expenditures. The credit is capped at $50,000 in a 24-month period and must have a minimum of $5,000 of eligible expenses to qualify.
The state homeowner tax credit may be used with local historic tax credits, although MHT review is independent of local review and may not be waived or substituted for local approval. Please contact your county or municipality for more information about local tax credits.
The review period runs approximately 30-45 days after MHT receives a complete application and review fee.
Consultation may be appropriate for comprehensive and significant rehabilitation projects. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact MHT tax credit staff early in the planning process. Early communication allows MHT the opportunity to provide useful guidance in identifying potential design issues, site or building challenges as well as providing opportunities for further discussion on how to complete a successful application, and schedule site visits if determined necessary.
Tulip Hill House.
Please read the Homeowner Application Instructions and all supporting materials prior to filling out the application. To download and fill out the actual forms, please read the instructions below.
Downloading fillable PDF application forms
These forms work best with Acrobat Reader 10 and above.
Application Forms
Associated Forms
The building must be a single-family, owner-occupied residence, which is defined as:
The building must be a certified historic structure, defined as having at least one of the following designations:
All aspects of the project and application must:
If you are considering using the program and/or have an existing application and are faced with an emergency situation which may require unanticipated repairs, we highly encourage you to contact tax credit staff on how best to proceed, prior to undertaking any emergency work.
Roof restoration.
The tax credit may be used for projects that return a structure to a state of utility through repair or alteration, making possible an efficient use while preserving portions and features of the structure, site and environment that are historically, architecturally or culturally significant.
Read about one homeowner's tax credit-assisted renovation on the Our History, Our Heritage blog.
Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
Examples of ineligible projects include, but are not limited to:
If you have questions about the application process or eligible expenses, please contact tax credit staff.
Updated information available! New applications, Electronic Application Submission Instructions, and Electronic File Format Standards and Naming Conventions now available under the Resources tab on the left sidebar.