Aventura City of Excellence School is a highly rated, public, charter school located in AVENTURA, FL. It has 1,032 students in grades K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 16 to 1. According to state test scores, 87% of students are at least proficient in math and 81% in reading.
Niche ranks nearly 100,000 schools and districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents.
Best Charter Elementary Schools in Florida Best Charter Middle Schools in Florida Best Public Middle Schools in Florida 80 of 1,143This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.
Percent Proficient - MathThis is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state math assessment test. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.
Note: School map boundaries may have changed for the current school year. Please contact your school district to verify school assignment for your child.
Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents.
Free or Reduced LunchWe don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that students at this school are competitive. Take our survey
We don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that students at this school are creative and artsy. Take our survey
We don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that students at this school are athletic. Take our survey
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Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers.
Average Teacher Salary Average salary for all teachers within the district. Teachers in First/Second YearWe don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that the teachers give engaging lessons. Take our survey
We don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that the teachers genuinely care about the students. Take our survey
We don't have enough responses to know if students and parents agree that the teachers adequately lead and control the classroom. Take our survey
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Very good school with nice teachers, I like to volunteer there as a parent of two kids. Stuff is nice and school is clean.
I loved it. It was a good school. I miss it now, but on to better things I guess! It has good teachers.
A good school in a good neighborhood with good teachers. Most of the stuff is average. The teachers are always friendly and good at teaching. The only problem I have is with the administration and bullying. They added a system on the school-issued Chromebooks where you can report bullying, but I've never seen anything happen to the offender after the report. Some kids in my grade were threatened by some kids in the middle of the snack break and after reporting it, the defenders got in trouble. There is also a massive problem with kids making disruptions in class and nothing is done about it. Good students are prevented from learning because the administration can't be bothered with doing something with the disruptive students.