Whenever an employee resigns a job then he/she will get a relieving letter and experience certificate along from their HR department. The relieving letter consists of the details like when the employee has made resignation and the last working date of the employee. The relieving letter acts as a proof for the employee that he has properly relieved from a company.
Here you can find sample job relieving letter formats and you can also download them in Word Format.
Job Relieving Letter Format 1
Sub: Relieving Letter
This is with reference to your resignation dated ____________, your resgnation has been accepted and you are relieved from the services of our company effective from the closing hours of _________________(date).
We thank you for your efforts and contribution during your tenure with us and wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Job Relieving Letter Format 2
Dear Mr./Ms. _____________,
This has reference to your letter of resignation dated __________, wherein you have requested to be relieved from the services of the ___________________________(name of organization) on _____________.
We would like to inform you that your resignation is hereby accepted and you are being relieved from the services of the __________________________ with effect from closing office hours of _________.
The management would like to thank you for your service to the company and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Job Relieving Letter Format 3
Dear Mr./Ms. _____________,
With reference to your resignation dated _________ where you had requested to relieve from the services of the company from ________. Here we are informing you that your resignation has been accepted and you can relieve from services on ________.
We would like to thank you for your services and wish you all the best in future endeavours.
Relieving Letter Format 4
Dear Mr/Ms _____________
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resignation letter dated on _________ has been accepted. You have been relieved from the services with effect from ________.
We appreciate your contribution to the growth of the organization and we wish you all the best in all your future endeavours.
Relieving Letter Format 5
Dear Mr/Ms _____________
This is with reference to your resignation dated ___________ .
Your resignation has been accepted and you can relieve from the services our company effective from the closing hours of ________. (date of relieving)
Your full and final settlement would be settled within 30 days and you can contact the HR department for any further information.
We are thankful for your efforts and contribution during your tenure with us and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
It depends on your company policies, some companies accept resignation through email. But it is always advisable to resign to your job through a physical document of resignation letter. But in some circumstances, you can’t do that in that case you can send your resignation through email.
Who Can Give the Relieving LetterIn general, the HR department will issue the relieving letter to the employee, but before accepting the resignation of the employee they will take the opinion of the respective HOD of the employee and also the top management.
Can an Employer Deny the Relieving LetterYes, employer has the right to deny the issue of relieving letters when an employee is in probation period or if the employee has any financial dues with the company like salary advances, not returning the company properties like a laptop, mobile, vehicle, etc.
Why Do Companies Ask for Relieving LetterBecause, when an employee is able to submit a relieving letter then it indicates that the employee has minimum responsibility while leaving the job and it also reduces the risk of new employers while hiring the new employee.
Yes, employees can get their relieving letters even after termination also until and unless they do not have any dues with the company.
There is no certain time period to issue the relieving letter, based on the request of the employee, and after completion of the notice period, the companies will issue a relieving letter. Once you relieve from a company properly then you can get it whenever you need it.
What Happens If Employee Submit Fake Relieving LetterSubmitting a fake relieving letter leads to legal actions on the employee and moreover, it is a job risk to the employee. If the employer finds it in a background verification then it will become a black mark for the employee throughout his career.