Since the 1930's, New York State has had a Water Treatment Operator Certification Program for Community Water Systems that treat their water supplies. The qualifications of operators of water treatment plants are defined in Subpart 5-4 of the State Sanitary Code. The State Sanitary Code also establishes the requirements for certification and recertification of operators at these plants.
There are six grades of certification, based on the size and complexity of the different water systems. Each operator is required to meet certain education, training and experience requirements to be certified.
In 1996, amendments to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act brought with them changes for the operator certification program. Every state was required to develop a program to certify and recertify operators of community and nontransient noncommunity public water supplies. While New York State already had a program in place, revisions were needed to meet the federal mandate. These changes also provided the State with a unique opportunity to update Subpart 5-4 of the State Sanitary Code to address the changing technology and demands of operating a drinking water system today.
The Department of Health convened a committee of stakeholders to help develop the changes. The committee was comprised of representatives from organizations and groups that were interested in and/or impacted by the operator certification program. The committee's work significantly assisted the Department with the revisions. The new revised program went into effect on February 14, 2001.
There are eight main sections to the revised Subpart 5-4 of the State Sanitary Code. The main requirements in each of the sections are highlighted below. Please note that this fact sheet is a summary of the Code and its requirements. This fact sheet does not contain all the details of the Code. Reading this fact sheet is not a substitute for reading Subpart 5-4 of the State Sanitary Code. You may obtain a copy of the Code from your local health department.
Section Overview: This section contains the definitions that are used throughout the code.
Summary of Requirements:
The major definition changes or additions are for the following terms: available, operating experience, operation, purchasing water system, and validated examinations. Other definitions were clarified to better describe and define how the Code should be carried out.
Section Overview: This portion of the code defines which systems are required to have a certified operator and what grade of operator each system must have. The procedures for certification are also covered.
Summary of Requirements:
Section Overview: There are certain qualifications that someone who wants to be a water operator must possess. Each grade of operator has specific initial training, experience and education requirements.
Summary of Requirements:
Section Overview: The Department will allow substitutions for some of the education, experience and/or training requirements.
Summary of Requirements:
Section Overview: Many training courses gave examinations at the end of the course; however, in the past there was not a State certified or validated examination. This section discusses the requirements for a validated examination for each grade of operator.
Summary of Requirements:
Anyone applying for certification must pass a written, oral and/or practical skills validated examination. This will provide consistency between the initial training courses.
Section Overview: This section was an addition to the 2001 revision of Subpart 5-4. It permitted systems (during the period of February 14, 2001 to February 14, 2003), that were now required to have a certified operator, to allow the then current personnel to continue to operate their system without meeting the requirements for conventionally certified operators.
Summary of Requirements:
Section Overview: This section of the code outlines what will happen to an operator's certification if s/he commits fraud or shows gross incompetence or negligence.
Summary of Section Requirements:
Section Overview: An operator's certification must be renewed every three years. In this section of the Code, the requirements for renewal of each grade of operator are listed. This section also addresses the requirements that an operator must meet to have their certification reinstated if their certification lapse.
Summary of Section Requirements:
You can contact your County or District Health Department for a copy of Subpart 5-4 of the State Sanitary Code.